Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"

Feeling stuck? Wondering why you keep finding yourself in the same struggle, experiencing familiar pain or relationship issues, yet again? 

Or perhaps you feel invisible or unheard, or can't find your own voice? Or paralyzed, unable to make a decision and move forward?

Are depression, anxiety, or anger so familiar that you can’t remember when you didn’t feel them?

Or perhaps you are experiencing a new crisis, unfamiliar struggles or feelings, after a major life transition: job loss, divorce, empty nest, illness, loss. Your life was working before, but now not so much.

You may not even know what the problem is – only that you are not happy.

Any of these scenarios can leave you struggling, missing out on life, feeling alone and hopeless, lost in the fog, needing new coping skills. 


But it doesn't have to stay this way. I work with clients to explore how unresolved issues from the past may be replayed or reenacted, impacting the present. I can help you identify these patterns, discover your voice or direction, process losses and transitions, and move toward a more fulfilling life.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
— Mary Oliver, "Wild Geese"


In an open and safe environment, one of curiosity rather than judgment, together we can explore authentic feelings and lost aspects of self often censored in general society, toward greater personal insight, growth and change. An accepting and validating therapy relationship can be a key element in the healing of old wounds and opening up of new possibilities.

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Take Action

You've taken two important steps toward change:    acknowledging a problem or need and exploring therapy.

Ready to take the next step? Call me. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit to work together and get you moving toward the happier, more fulfilling life you want and deserve.

Contact Me →


Photo images downloaded from Pexels.com or Pixabay.com under CCO licenses are used with much gratitude to the talented photographers, named and unnamed on those sites, who make their work available free of charge in the public domain.